Mind Empowerment
Bariatric Life Coach specialising in weight loss & weight management
Ready to start changing your relationship with food?
My FREE 8 Fundamentals live workshop is for you!
(turn sound on for video please)
Discover the 8 Fundamentals for success in your weight loss journey.
Relevant real-life strategies for both bariatric and medicated weight loss patients.
Join this FREE live session with Sonia McIndoe
Leave diet culture, shame and guilt
behind forever
The truth is....

Weight loss success is more about how you nourish yourself off your plate than on it!!

It’s not about the food, it's about WHY you want to emotionally eat!

Weight loss surgery is for weight loss. The mind work is for long term weight loss and maintenance success.
Together, we'll get to the bottom of why, how and when you eat and create a new pattern.

We didn't have this
surgery to ever
"go on a diet" again!

Step by step...
we're on this journey together

Learn new ways to get to your weight loss goals (and maintain your weight)
With small easy changes, mindset changes and sometimes mind blowing "light bulbs" - I'll help you find those missing puzzle pieces for success that you've never found before.
Find your tribe
Connect with like-minded people and find your support system. Especially if you had surgery overseas or find it hard to meet other bariatrics in your local area.
It's free to get started
My first live workshop "8 Fundamentals for Success" is free, yet gives you huge value. You can do just the free workshop - or if you love what you learn - continue on to the next group coaching stage, "Mind Empowerment".